Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hello Earth.

today is my first post. Erm nothing much to say actually.. lately have been staying up late to either play game or slack with my group of friends. i will be attending the school camp on thursday and the camp will end on saturday morning.

Today suddenly feels so moodless. It feels like something is wrong inside my heart. It seems that something is missing and i am feeling so lonely. I actually wanted to go K box or whatever to sing as i normally do so. but amanda ask me to go home and sleep.. and so i went home after movie..

i was very happy to hear that biyu said that she likes my singing. however she isint the first to appreciate my singing. at least it is compliment to tells me that my singing wasnt that sucks. haha. maybe i could even participate in some singing competitions to test how good i am in singing. I will do so if i have the courage!

Term Test are over and i am having my holiday now. wasnt so happy as i didnt get to enjoy my holiday with Hong Yeow in thailand. If we were to to go thailand, we will be boarding the bus to thailand tomorrow morning. and i know that it is going to be damn FUN! haha.. but no choice. all of us have not enough money to spend this month. and i am trying to spend as little as possible for this month. next 3 months will be even hell for me. i dont know how i am going to survive for the next 3 months. need to lend ppl money plus i need to save money to buy a car. And i really hope that i will be able to pass my TP in 19 july. and i will have my licence already. no need to wait so long.

i havent been dreaming about Tiffany since that night.. i wants to dream of her again please. make her my girl friend in the dream like last time. PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!
i dont know why i like Tiffany so much. she is totally and exactly the type of girl i love. =D


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